Shipping & Returns



We only ship within the continental United States.


  • Do not send back products without a return confirmation number from ThirteenFifty Off-Road. Failure to get a return confirmation number with instructions will result in no refund given.
  • Provide as much information as possible in order to process your return. Please-list each part, number, quantity, description, price and reason for each item being returned. Please also provide the customer information, name, address, order number and phone number used on the purchase.
  • Return the merchandise in the manufacturer’s original box and packing with the Return/Order number inside the box. This should be done within 30 days of the invoice date.
  • No return will be accepted on merchandise over 30 days.
  • We will not accept any COD shipments for returned merchandise. COD return packages or any bill recipient packages will be refused.
  • The cost of the return shipping is to be prepaid by the customer. Return shipping and any handling fee are non-refundable.
  • Any merchandise which, in our opinion or the manufacturer’s opinion, shows evidence of being used, installed contrary to manufacturer’s instructions and/or subjected to improper handling, packaging, or shipping by the customer will not be eligible for exchange, refund or warranty consideration.
  • Warranty and/or defective merchandise is subject to terms of the manufacturer’s warranty.
  • We will not accept returns on special order merchandise, electrical items, installed items, custom made items.
  • If you are unsure about an order you wish to place for ANY reason, then please contact our sales team before you place an order. Orders placed online cannot be stopped.